Reed loves green beans! It was the first baby food besides cereal. And he liked it from the first bite! I believe I had this nickname when I was a baby, and now I can pass it on to Little Man. The 'Green Bean Eating Machine'. We captured a video of it to share. Sorry it's a little long. We're just excited, proud parents! Oh, and it's his 5-month birthday today! I can't believe it's already been five months. He is changing so much every day. Happy Birthday, Reed!
The Korean Experience
10 years ago
Too cute! Solids look fun but sure do look messy.
I wish Anna Kate loved green beans like your little man! She can down some sweet potatoes and squash, but gags on green beans!
hey, i gag on them too.
or at least just swallow them with tea in polite company.
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