Monday, March 31, 2008

Opening Day

Reed here. Uncle Whit, I know you are all the way over there in Korea missing opening day so I have a little jingle for you.

Take me out to the ball game
Take me out to the crowd
Buy me some peanuts and cracker jacks
I don't care if I ever get back
Root Root Root for the CUBIES
If they don't win it's a shame
For it's 1-2-3 strikes your out
At the Old Ball Game

Michael here - Well it's here, opening day of the baseball season and Reed watched his first Cubs game. Unfortunately they lost in extra innings 4 - 3 but not before Reed got to enjoy a few moments of the game. He got to wear his Cubs onesie that I bought for him last year at Wrigley Field. After a little excitement in the last of the 9th. I showed Reed how to cheer.
On a side note, the neighbor's little boys came over today. Reed had a great time doing push ups with them.

Sunday, March 30, 2008

New Friends!

Reed met his new best friend Ada this weekend! They liked each other from the very start. They held hands as soon as we laid them down together. And then a little later they shared a crib. Reed was really excited, as I'm sure you can tell. Ada likes him for his toys (she's staring at his mobile). And the last photo is Reed doing pushups. He's going to start crawling very soon!

PS - Reed made it through about one pitch of his first ever major league baseball game. He hopes the Braves will win.

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Feet are Neat

Or so Reed thinks ...
And this was just too cute. Reed napping in our bed.

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Growing, growing, growing!

Reed has grown so much in the past month! When he went to the doctor a month ago, he was 26 inches and 15 lbs, 8 ozs. This morning, he (unofficially) was over 27 inches tall and weighed 16 lbs, 6 ozs. I think he's starting to thin out a little bit. Maybe. Those cheeks sure don't show it, though!

Monday, March 24, 2008

Happy Easter!

Saturday, March 22, 2008

Green Bean Eating Machine

Reed loves green beans! It was the first baby food besides cereal. And he liked it from the first bite! I believe I had this nickname when I was a baby, and now I can pass it on to Little Man. The 'Green Bean Eating Machine'. We captured a video of it to share. Sorry it's a little long. We're just excited, proud parents! Oh, and it's his 5-month birthday today! I can't believe it's already been five months. He is changing so much every day. Happy Birthday, Reed!

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Hoopin' it with Granna & Papa T

Granna and Papa T came for a visit, and we sure had fun! Count on Granna to come up with some old fashioned entertainment. Enjoy the photos and video.

Our big [little] boy

I can't get over how much Reed has changed in the past month. Beginning to eat solids, sitting up, scooting and gaining so much personality. It seems like there is something new everyday. And I want to write about them all so I won't forget them. Having a child is the single most wonderful thing I've ever done. Yes, there's the not so cherishable moments. The crying at 1:30 am, and then again at 1:45, 2:30, 3:00 and so on. There's the dirty diapers that make you gag and open the windows all while trying to keep his hands and feet out of it. But these things fade in comparison to the other things. And are so worth it.

Yesterday when Michael got home, Reed was especially playful. I was cleaning the bedroom so he was laying on the bed. I took one of the pillows and playfully "hit" him with it. He laughed. And laughed. I continued to tap him with the pillow, and he giggled and giggled. It was so much fun! He really got laughing more than he has before. I wish I'd caught it on video to share. Maybe next time. Here are a few photos of our big little boy. I couldn't decide which one I liked best, so you're getting all three.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008


Monday, March 17, 2008

Like Father, Like Son

I'm always impressed with Jessica's ability to capture wonderful pictures but this one takes the cake. I'm sure we will see more smiles like this from Reed. Baseball season is right around the corner and by the end of the year hopefully the Cubs will give us plenty of moments to smile about. I guess it will be alright if he likes the Braves, but only if the aren't playing the Cubs. If we have a girl next she can be a Braves fan like her mama. Oh yeah, I didn't wear green today. It was fun. Jessica didn't either.

Friday, March 14, 2008

Sitting Up? Check.

So I know I've already blogged once today, but this was too exciting to wait for! Reed has learned to sit up on his own, completely unsupported. He's still a little wobbly and quite fascinated with his feet!

And a fun video to end with ...

Reed reading

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Play time

Reed has been such a happy baby! He is really beginning to enjoy playing on his own, and just discovering everything around him. We finally got batteries in the activity saucer, so it has new things to play with now. He's also finally tall enough to reach the bottom of it without a pillow underneath him. And he loves it. And I love that it's bilingual. We're both learning Spanish animals! He even talks back to it when the animal sounds play (it says the animal's name in English, Spanish, then makes its sound). Soon he'll be roaring like the lion. Or león.

Reed loves trying to stand on his own. He's propped up on the ottoman, supported by Dad's legs so he doesn't topple over.
Precious. He fell asleep playing in the activity saucer. A few minutes later he woke up and went back to playing. Talk about a power nap!

Saturday, March 8, 2008

Wintry Wonderland

Dad told me last night that 15 years ago today we had the blizzard of '93. We didn't get close to that, but we did get about 5 or 6 inches. The neighborhood kids (and grownups) sure did enjoy it though! We took Reed out for a few minutes for his first real snow. He seemed to enjoy it! Here's a few photos of our wintry wonderland. See the album for the rest of them.

Thursday, March 6, 2008


It never ceases to amaze me how sometimes thoughts run together within a small group of people. My youth group often asks me, "How do you know God is speaking to you?" Tongue and cheek, I tell them, "You have to listen." However, the following is an example of how I know when God is speaking to me.

Just tonight I was once again reminded how much of an inspiration a baby can be. (In this case of course I'm talking about Reed.) Everybody understands that it's not hard to be touched by a baby's smile, but you have to have kids to understand what is meant when you are told the famous phrase, "Your life will never be the same!" Prior to Reed being born I actually told Jessica I don't think our life will change all that much. I knew there would be diapers, crying that would be impossible to sooth and nights where if I could 15 minutes of sleep in a row I would be happy. That to me was only a new sacrifice required to receive the most wonderful blessing from God. Boy was I served a smack in the face with irony. It turns out I'm right about one thing - it's only a new sacrifice. I sure was wrong about my life changing though.

Prior to Reed, I could have a bad day at work and that would just carry over to a bad night when I got home. Now it is impossible to come home in a bad mood and remain that way when he looks up at me and giggles. There is an inspiration to strive to be the best father I can be so that I can see those giggles every day.

Now this evening this all came with a message. There were two events tonight that God used to answer my weekly prayers. I just needed a sign that would tell me my mom was going to be alright. I knew she was but I just needed assurance.

The first event happened on our nightly visit to the hospital. My mom had a really good day and they are telling her there is chance she will get to go home tomorrow. That all came in to an apex when Reed decided to be an inspiration. Gramma hasn't been able to play with her grandkids since the accident until tonight. We held Reed by the bed and they laughed together. It was the most I've seen my mom smile all week. God said, "Your mom is going to be okay. "

The second event came when Jessica and I came home to an e-mail from Granna and Papa T. It was a video of a professor giving his last lecture. He is dying from pancreatic cancer. He talked about living a life of dreams, and how important it is to chase those dreams and have fun doing it. It was very inspirational, especially knowing that he is living his last months. God said, "Your mom is going to be okay."

Having an inspiration like Reed does change your life forever.

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

The Joy of Consignment

This week I've discovered consignment stores. Reed has outgrown most of his clothes and still needs some more cold weather ones. Most of the stores are only selling spring/summer clothes now. So by a neighbor's suggestion, I hit the consignment stores. And I'm thrilled. Why have I not discovered these sooner? Not only do you get great prices to begin with, but you get to negotiate. My dad would love it. I've been wanting to get an infant chair, but they're a little on the pricey end. I found one, and I got to negotiate the price! Love it. Also got four outfits that fit and are the right season. For just $6. Amazing.

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Building People Up

Michael here. I've been contemplating becoming a "blogger" ever since Jessica started "Reed All About It." I'm not the best writer and let's face it my grammar is atrocious (Jessica will be proofreading this in a moment). However, I've always been athletic and I think the old saying "practice makes perfect" applies here as well.

So I thought why not start by doing something I have come to love -- spreading the Christian word. Before you read this post you may need to read Brody Harper's blog (which I came across through the breadcrumbs) first which has given me my inspiration here. He has challenged us bloggers to post a blog building someone up. It is one of our Christian duties to do things that are pleasing to our Lord. His post gives a wonderful Biblical study of this so I'll let you check that out there and go on doing my part in "Building People Up".

When I met my lovely wife I would have never thought I would meet a family as wonderful as I did. I've always tried to surround myself with others that challenge me to be a better person. That challenge can come by direction or by example. However, example is my preference. The whole family does that including Jessica but one does so without even knowing. She is very humble and will be very surprised to read this, I'm sure. Jessica has always looked up to her and it's not hard to see why. She is extremely intelligent and wise. She is extremely successful in her career. She is also awesome at her hobbies whether running or real estate. Although real estate may be a career, too. So here is saying thanks. Thanks, Kathryn, for being an inspiration and someone that I also look up to.

I've always loved my mother. We danced to "Wind Beneath My Wings" at my wedding for a reason. This weekend she was in a four-wheeling accident. She was finally moved from ICU into an intermediate care room this afternoon but still in quite a bit of pain. It breaks my heart to see my mother in this condition. She is the strongest person I know. From the time I was three until 11 she raised my brother and me as a single mom on approximately $20K a year. All while going to school, working full time and making sure we never missed a meal and always clothed. My mother never once complained about her situation and always encouraged us to make the best of everything. I owe my every accomplishment to her. She made sure there was always time and resources for us to participate in any extra curricular event we chose from Little League to band. I couldn't make it without her. I love you and get well soon. We all need you.

Monday, March 3, 2008

Cereal Success!

Thank goodness for Grannas! Thanks to her suggestion, Reed finally made it through a cereal feeding without screaming and crying. Mix it with apple juice instead, she said. And Reed says, "Thank you, Granna!"

Doctor's orders

We went for Reed's four-month checkup on Friday. He's growing like a weed! He was in the 90th percentile for height coming in at 26 inches! Doc said, "This one's going to be tall!" Then he gently added that he was in the 50-plus percentile for weight (15 lbs., 4 ozs.). He also told us to start Reed on solids. Reed isn't so sure about this change yet, as you can tell from the photo. But I'm sure he'll get the hang of it soon! He also got more shots that have made him a little grumpy over the weekend. Poor little guy! I told him his Aunt Kathryn and Aunt Lindsay cried, too, when they got shots, and they were in high school, so there was no reason to be embarrassed.

On another note, send a prayer up for Michael's Mom. She and Phillip got in an ATV accident yesterday and she's in the hospital with a broken arm in two places, two broken ribs and a punctured lung. Looks like for now she's in the clear for not needing surgery on the lung, but looks like she'll definitely have surgery on her arm. Phillip is doing fine, just a bunch of bumps and bruises and concern. Just keep her in your prayers for a speedy recovery!
Thanks for visiting.