So I'm behind in my blog. I know. I have so many things to share! I've summed up a lot of it in two albums to the right. Complete with captions. Since I last blogged, Reed's had a birthday, visited the family in Clarksville, went Trick-or-Treating, and learned a plethora of new things. Hopefully I can sum it all up.
Turning One

I can't believe it was only a year ago that our lives changed so much. A year ago (pretend it's actually his birthday and I'm not so behind), I woke up and didn't feel Reed moving around. Which was unusual for morning time. I'd had contractions several times over the weekend, including one episode at around one or two AM in which they were five minutes apart, but then when I got up they completely went away. Anyway, Monday morning, I called the doctor after Michael insisted that I do so, fully expecting them to tell me just to lay down and see if I felt him moving around. Instead, they told me to go to the hospital so I could be monitored. So Michael packed the car, while I complained that, "This is a waste of time - they are just going to send me home." To our surprise, I was already 4 centimeters dilated, and two hours later I was 6. Six hours later, a last minute epidural, and an hour and a half in the NICU, Reed was ours. And perfectly perfect. Fast forward one year, and that precious tiny little boy is a mischievous-into everything-running around-toddler. And still perfectly perfect.
He's slowing down on his growth, now in the 20th percentile for height and the 40th for weight. A big difference from
here. He can say "Da-DEE," "Mama," "Nana," "Papa," "Bye-bye," "Ba-BEE," and "Ball." He runs around like crazy. He eats like crazy. Which Carlos, a doctor/friend, insists is NOT a tape worm as I had convinced myself it was. He's also started a new trick. He bows. He bows when he's excited, he bows to Harley (the dog), and generally when meeting people. And in perfect form. Hands politely behind his back and bending perfectly at the waist. He's either read too much of Auntie L and Uncle Whit's blog, or he's picked it up from a song we sing in Kindermusic. It's a toss up. But it's oh so adorable. Granna says he just has good manners.
I can't believe by mid-April, we'll have two of them!
{Side note - we find out Nov. 17th if it's a boy or girl!}Visiting Family
Two weekends ago, we visited Michael's family in Clarksville for the weekend. We had a full weekend of family and friends, and capped it off with a birthday party for Reed and a family photo shoot (which I can't wait to see pictures of!). Reed enjoyed his party, even though he was pretty tired. He wasn't sure about his cake, and wiped the icing off his hands without much of a taste. He preferred to eat cranberries instead. He sure didn't get that from him Mommy! Must of been from his Daddy. I sure wouldn't have passed up yummy birthday cake to some dried up cranberries! Reed enjoyed playing with his cousins and watching them. I'm sure there will be many more play times as he gets older!
The Itsy Bitsy Spider

Reed was the cutest little spider I've ever seen for Halloween. He loved his costume and running around in it! We went trick-or-treating for cranberries and bananas at a couple family members houses, and even though we had to take the costume off and on every time we got in and out of the car, he loved it! I wonder if we'll be able to use cranberries and bananas every year ...
welcome back to the blogosphere. You have been missed. Love the recap. Reed IS perfectly perfect and I am loving him in his spider costume. Glad we finally got to see him in it. Maybe we should have a make up costume day one wednesday and get the kiddos in their costume just one. more. time. happy first year Reedster!
Reed! I am smiling just thinking about how cute you are bowing to everything! Glad I got to witness it! Thanks for the catchup Jessica! Oh, and he made a perfect little spider! It would be fun to have a random dress up day...
Glad for the update! I can't wait to hear if you'll be adding a boy or a girl to your sweet family. Reed is adorable as ever, and I can't wait to one day meet him in person!
Oh my goodness! He is just too cute as a spider! We missed you guys the other day! Will have to get together for play date soon!
It was so good to see you all at church during your visit. Reed is beautiful (yes, boys can be beautiful) and he is!
You don't realize how fast kids grow until you have them; it's amazing the difference just a couple months make..he seems like such a big boy now!
Finally! An update! Loved it. I miss you Reed!!!
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