Reed is 10 months old now! I can't believe it. I know I say it every time, and probably will continue to in the future, but I just can't believe how fast he's growing. We've had a really busy month. Selling our old house, buying a new one (closing this Thursday). Planning all the remodels. And Reed has been a trooper through it all.
We've had a few major milestones. The first one, we'll introduce in a short clip:
What fun times! He loved to chase his monkey (one that his Grumpy and Gramma bought him before he was born, one that is really his favorite) around. It was some serious motivation. A week ago he would take a few steps if we coaxed him on. Today, it's all he wants to do. I'm sure by next week he'll be running around like he's been doing it forever. Way to go, little man!
Our second milestone was staying in the church nursery two weeks in a row, getting good reports both times. I must admit, the first Sunday I didn't hear a word the preacher said. All I wanted to do was peak in and make sure he was okay. Make sure he wasn't crying for his Mommy. But I resisted, and sat impatiently watching the clock for the minute church would be over. When we went to get him, he was just fine. Hadn't cried. Was sitting with one of the nursery workers smiling and gobbling up his Cheerios - which I'm sure he dug in my bag to find and handed to her to get them out. And today, he did great again. And today, I actually listened to the sermon.
Reed is also eating table food like crazy now. He loves spaghetti, roast, potatoes and carrots. And beans. His crazy Granna and Papa T fed him beans for lunch today, because, "He just wouldn't eat his baby food." Although it's true - he'd rather eat what we are eating - they sure did cause a stinky day!
Finally, Reed has discovered the piano. And loves it. And realized the other day that he can reach it without our help.
Well, it's official. We're buying a house, closing the 28th! It'll probably be a few weeks before we move in, as we're going to rip out all the green/blue/pink carpet that's everywhere (including the bathrooms) and redo all the flooring. We'll also repaint everything. Figured it would be a lot easier to do before we move in. It's on Signal Mountain, right behind the elementary school Reed will go to. Walking distance.
Reed and Michael running through the sprinkler. Reed loves to get wet! Reed really loves swimming! He usually swims in the lake, like this, but this week we went to Stuart Heights with Ada and Brittany, and Reed loved the freedom of swimming without the life jacket! Thanks guys, for inviting us to come with! We had a great time! Reed also loves playing in Granna's cabinets.
And also loves playing with Ms. Kitty, the neighbor's cat who has adopted my parents.
Today we went to the park with Brittany and Ada, and some new friends, Amy and Anna Kate, and Ashley and Jackson. We had such a good time! Hope to do it again soon! I didn't get too many pictures, but I'm sure the other girls will add photos to their blogs soon, too. The kiddos seemed to have a good time!
Anna Kate giving Reed some sweet kisses. Reed didn't mind, because she shared her graham crackers with him. Anna Kate: Reed, you lick Ada's stroller, I'll chew on your pacifier clip. Aren't they cuties! Sorry I missed photos of the other kiddos, I'll have to take more next time!!
Reed has a new fascination with using his mouth as a third hand. I think he thinks he's Harley (the dog). I've captured it a few times. Reed also has a fascination with his tongue. It is usually sticking out, blowing bubbles, spitting, or saying "ba ba ba" with it hanging out. Papa T thinks it's funny to get him to do it while he's eating. On another note, Reed stayed with his Gramma last Thursday while we tied up some loose ends on the house, and then we took him to get photos done. She's been wanting to get one of him with a boat so she can match some photos that she has of the other grandkids, and this was a perfect opportunity. All the photos turned out great! You can check them out here. One last note - Reed has almost reached a new milestone! He's starting to take his first steps. He's determined to take off at full speed, so I think it will be a while still before he gets the hang of it completely. He doesn't want to take up any time trying to get balanced before he takes off!