I've gotten so far behind on blogging that I'm taking
Amy's approach to a catchup blog - all pictures and just a bit of explanation. Check out the album to the right for more. Here we go ...
We did the Riverbend Run a few weeks ago - well,
we did the walk - Michael and Kathryn did a 10K run. Here's the kiddos before the race.

And here's all of us after the race.

Molly loves peeking out of the back of the stroller - and of course, she'd much rather be reclined on her belly in the stroller. I'm sure the manufacturer would love to see the way I strap her in there!

The next day we headed to the lake with Amy and Chris and Anna Kate. The kiddos had such a great time, and the adults did, too!

The next weekend was
Jackson's first birthday! Brittany captured a few shots of the kiddos for me. Isn't she awesome?!

Later that week the gang met up to bring the kiddos to the zoo. The kids seemed to really enjoy it, even though it was in the upper 90's!! We decided to wait until fall to revisit.

Reed loves his new sidewalk chalk he got from Jackson's party!

And well, isn't she just adorable?! Love that dimple =)

The following weekend Michael's parents came down for a short visit, and we headed to the Aquarium. Reed really enjoyed all the animals!

Another day at the lake.

And Reed playing ball. His Daddy loves this picture!

And if some of you are thinking, "this looks familiar," you would be correct. Here's Michael about 27 years ago.